About Jenifer Vogt

Jenifer Vogt is also known as Jenifer Mangione Vogt. She is a digital strategist, digital content creator and professional writer


Bachelor of Arts
Humanities/ Art History
American & Italian Art
Purchase College/SUNY

Executive Education

Women’s Leadership Development Programme
Oxford Saïd Business School 2022

Innovation Through Design Thinking
London Business School 2022

Digital Marketing
Columbia Business School 2022

Data Privacy Fundamentals
Northeastern School of Law 2021

Strategy of Content Marketing
UC Davis 2020


I Believe in Your Unique Story

Stories drive culture. Whether launching a brand, setting up a new medical practice, writing your memoir, or crafting the next Netflix series, you’ll need to get your story straight to succeed. That’s where I add value.

I’m Jenifer Vogt, a marketing communications expert and writer passionate about shaping compelling narratives for my clients and moving them forward.

If you found me, I bet you’re a dance-to-the-beat-of-your-own-drummer type, too. You know your expertise, product, or service is special, but you might struggle to convince others.

Not all marketers listen to understand, but I pride myself on truly grasping clients’ needs and often helping to define them. I’m a storyteller, a great listener, and an interpreter of intent.

Anyone can be a good writer, but storytellers are born. Our lives are shaped by experiences that hone our intellect and intuition, and they’re not all apple pie and white picket fence. Emotional depth gained through tragedy and trauma is a common thread in storytellers’ lives.

Interesting and poignant stories have found me throughout my life. If we ever meet, ask about my night in an upstate New York ER with the California Raisins, the witch who lived in a converted church who I adopted kittens from, or the schoolmate I rescued from a pedophile when I was 11.

As a teen, I wanted to be a therapist. Now, I’m a marketing therapist because clients approach me when they’re stuck. They’ve either invested too much in ineffective marketing or they don’t know how to market their big idea. I don’t waste time or money. I bring clients’ visions to life as quickly and cost-efficiently as possible.

I excel at breaking down external and internal barriers that prevent my clients from moving forward. I’ve worked in global marketing communications for over 20 years, both as an in-house marketer and consultant.

I want my clients to succeed and I help them gain confidence in their vision. I love working with older entrepreneurs because I believe your best days are ahead of you, regardless of age.

Read an excerpt from my story below to understand my connection to Italy. Don’t you think everything sounds better in Italian?

Il meglio deve ancora venire. The best is yet to come!

Free phone consultation with marketing communications consultant Jenifer Vogt
Click here to view the marketing portfolio of Jenifer Vogt

Marketing & Privacy Certifications

Inbound Marketing
Hubspot, 2024

Security & Privacy for Big Data
EIT, 2021

Tools for Data Science
IBM, 2021

Data for Better Lives
The World Bank 2021

Data Science Orientation
IBM 2021

Data-Driven Planning
The Trade Desk 2020




Wellness Courses

2021 Improving Your Business Through a Culture of Health | Harvard X

2020 Compassionate Leadership | The Garrison Institute

2020 Mindfulness & Resilience to Stress at Work | Berkeley X2020

2020 Seven Practices of a Mindful Leader | Marc Lesser

2020 The Science of Well-Being | Yale

2020 Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR)
Mindful Leader 


Wine & Spirits Certifications

World of Wine: From Grapes to Glass
Adelaide University 2021

WSET 2/ Wine with Distinction
Napa Valley Wine Academy 2020

Italy Certifications & Courses

History of Italy
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, 2021

Roman Architecture
Yale University, 2014

Here's Part of My Unique Story

Where I Grew Up

Yonkers, NY. The best city in the world. (Mary J Blige and Steven Tyler grew up there, too)


50% Italian 25% Irish 25% Polish. My birth last name was Mangione.

Favorite Film

Moonrise Kingdom

Favorite Bands

Bon Iver, Erykah Badu, The Black Crowes, Dave Matthews Band, The Spinners

Favorite Books

Great Expectations by Charles Dickens, The Italians by Luigi Barzini, Decline & Fall and Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh, How to Make Love Like a Porn Star by Jenna Jameson (It’s actually her autobiography, not an instruction manual.)

My Friends Say I’m Never Boring

I don’t always follow the crowd. When I was in High School, rather than go to traditional teenager after-parties, I took my date who was a friend from an all-boys Catholic school into New York City to see Bobby Short play at the Cafe Carlyle.  While my classmates were drinking beer in a parking lot, we were awe-struck teens sitting directly in front of one of New York’s greatest performers having an unforgettable experience.

Views on Faith & Spirituality

I’m a Zen Christian, a phrase I first heard in Phil Jackson’s book, Sacred Hoops. My Christian faith is essential, but I complement it with Buddhist philosophy. I respect and love learning about all religions. I  honor peoples’ rights to love who and how they love as long as they’re not hurting anyone. Though I’m fairly traditional, I’m also open-minded. I can respect an open marriage or polyamorous relationship, but I can’t support people who cheat on or lie to their partner.

Character is Not Defined by Party Affiliation

When I studied Buddhism, I learned about “The Middle Way” a more enlightened view of life that rejects extreme viewpoints. That’s why I’m not affiliated with a political party. I listen to all views and try to understand both sides of every issue.

Worst Trait

I used to react, rather than respond, in stressful situations and this caused personal and professional problems, but I believe self-growth is part of our journey as human beings. I took responsibility and I work with therapists and coaches who help me understand the link between emotional control and unresolved trauma. I was diagnosed with PTSD and clinical depression, a mental illness that I now manage with tools like my Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) certification. I stay committed by helping others, including becoming a meditation facilitator for Mindful Leader.

Maya Angelou said, “People do the best they can until they know better. Then they do better.”

Best Trait

Empathy. I care about other people’s suffering and they feel comfortable opening up to me. I’ll guard their secrets unless they’re hurting themselves or others. This trait is hard when the supermarket checkout clerk starts telling me her life story and the people in line behind me get pissed! However, it makes me a good friend and colleague because I’m the first person to jump in and help someone dealing with a personal or professional crisis. 

Starbuck Order

Venti Soy Chai Latte with 3 pumps of syrup instead of 5

Most Recent Trip

My mother took me to Amelia Island (FL) for their Charles Dickens holiday festival as a Christmas gift. She’s the best gift giver. It was a great time. Don’t miss it!

Favorite Actor

Donald Sutherland

My Bill Murray Story

When I was in college, I did an internship at Christie’s auction house in NYC. One day, I walked out the front door onto the Park Avenue sidewalk and into a film crew. I began talking to some of the film techs and one of them liked me. He told me Woody Allen was doing a scene for his film, Alice, and invited me to stay and watch.

The scene wrapped and the techie returned with Bill Murray who he introduced and who isn’t in the film but was visiting friends. The tech guy explained that I worked at Christie’s. Bill Murray who towered over me (and I’m 5’11”) looked down and with that adorable twinkle in his eyes and smirk asked, “So, can you get me any good art?” When he said this as if on cue, we were joined by Brian Dennehy and Robert Greenhut. (Yes!).  There I was in the midst of a huddle of film industry heavyweights. They invited me for drinks, but I was very young and too shy to go.

Life-Changing Moment

A trip to Haiti in 2008 completely changed my outlook. Afterward, it was impossible to take anything for granted that we have abundantly in America, like access to good healthcare, sanitation, and running water. I could never have imagined poverty like what’s there.  However, despite their suffering, Haitians are remarkably generous and kind-hearted. Though they have so little, they will offer you everything and they’ll always hold a special place in my heart.

This photo was taken on the roof of a food bank. Haitians were lined up for miles, waiting hours for food. Haiti is a dangerous place due to political instablity. Hence the barbed wire, and guards armed with automatic rifles were stationed at the doors.

Raised by Strong Women

Photo of Mom and Gram, the two women who raised me, in 2001, shortly before my grandmother passed away. I love this photo because my mom’s comedic, Lucille Ball-like personality is evident.

My grandmother and my mother had many challenges resulting from marrying men with addiction issues.  Witnessing their experiences convinced me that making the wrong choice in marriage can destroy your chance at happiness. My father either couldn’t or didn’t pay child support and rarely visited. We struggled financially and I developed admiration and respect for single mothers. My grandmother, who lived with us, battled and eventually defeated colon cancer, but that dark cloud hovered over our home.

Gram was the most naturally beautiful woman I’ve ever known, both inside and out. She was incredibly kind. She modeled throughout her life, including in her 50s as the mother-of-the-bride in bridal runway shows. She was known for carrying a bunch of roses and handing them to women in the audience.  She was one of those people who are always smiling on the outside, but inside there was a deep well of sadness.

Photo of mother and the stepfather who adopted me, Harold Vogt.  While we were never close and had a difficult relationships, I’ll always be grateful that he was generous and responsible. 

With my Italian biological father who divorced my mother when I was three and stopped visiting when I was five. He gave me up for adoption to my stepfather when I was 12. I got to know him more as an adult, but our visits never went well.  Social media has created a narrative around happy families that not every child has. I share my story hoping it will make kids from broken homes feel less alone.

In Rome with my Bisnonna (great grandmother) Stella and Nonna Franca. I rarely saw my biological father, but Nonna took me to Italy to meet my family, yet overall her presence was inconsistent and unpredictable. I later learned that my Italian family stopped speaking to my father when he abandoned her and they cared for her in Italy until her death. I had few opportunities to bond with my Italian family and eventually gave up after many years of trying without reciprocation. It felt too much like being abandoned twice. Though I consider myself Italian, it’s been challenging to separate my love for the culture from the fact that my heritage has been the source of much disappointment and sadness.

When I was recovering from cancer, because I’d had so little connection to my Italian heritage and wanted to understand it, I launched a blog dedicated to Italian culture. By doing this I learned the language and culture of Italy and I discovered that I’m more Italian than I ever realized.

That blog was successful and originally called Italian South Florida but became The Italian Influence and you can click here to read blog posts. 

Dinner with friends and Italian actor Giuseppe Battiston who was in one of my favorite films, “Pane e Tulipani.”

With the former consul general of Italy in Miami.

Speaking about authentic Italian food for the Extraordinary Italian Taste Initiative.

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